Opening first week

child with teacher

It has finally happened, having at last received our Ofsted registration, GHDN IS OPEN! Our journey has begun.

As I sit in our reception room this afternoon, all is quite quiet and very calm. The children are playing in the ball pit, enjoying a “picnic” with staff or feeding baby dolls in the home corner. Upstairs we have explored Autumn this week and the children have completed “firework” pictures to celebrate Bonfire Night.

I simply can’t believe that GHDN has only been open a week! This time last week we were anticipating our first intake of children across two floors. We worried about every detail (from opening the doors on time to getting lunch ready) and we knew that not all would go smoothly BUT we are here now with our lovely first group settling-in.

That our current children are delightful goes without saying! All our parents have been wonderful too and so very supportive of GHDN. We can’t thank you enough!

The staff (Emi, Tanya, SooYin, Saray and I) have had a great week playing and supporting the children. We are so enjoying getting to know each child and watching the amazing way that they adapt to a new environment.

So bring on next week and all the next weeks as we continue our journey at GHDN!


Nursery fee 2023


Opening date announcement